It has long been common practice in the livestock sector to treat young animals so that they do not cause each other harm. For example, by burning away cow
horns or by cutting of the chicken beaks, the farmer makes sure his animals do
not wound each other; although it may not seem natural to “disarm” animals in
this way, a lot of misery is prevented. This is also true for thermal tail docking.
Tail cutting is mainly done on lambs and piglets. As for pork tails, pigs tend to
bite each other’s tails, resulting in infections and misery. To prevent this, the
tails are cut preventively. Sheep farmers are mainly concerned with their
animals hygiene, as many breeds have a long tail that easily comes into
contact with the faeces.
Problems are prevented with a tail docker.
The tail cutter consists of a straight knife that is heated. When the tail is cut,
the resulting wound is immediately cauterized. This means that infections
have no chance. Due to the rapid recovery, the animal suffers less pain from
the operation and worse is prevented for the future. Our professional tail dockers meet the contemporary requirements of lawmakers and the food industry. These thermal cutters are used by veterinarians, breeders and
other professionals.